And Now..............
Here is the long awaited SDG Photography By Rosie Siebenthal Little Beauties Modeling Contest!!! I am SO excited!!! Aren't these little girls just ADORABLE?? I know I mentioned that I have two you can just imagine how much fun I am having even dreaming of my two future little beauties modeling my new girlie props!!! Yippeeee!!!
So here's the low-down. Vote for your favorite. Ask everyone you know to vote for your favorite. E-mail your entire contact list to vote for their favorite - then have them email their entire contact list to do the same and so on. ;) Talk to your neighbors, everyone you know! Send them here to vote!! Rules: One vote per person/computer. All votes must be in by Monday, May 5, 2008 at 11 p.m. Have FUN!! Thank you to all the parents who sent in pictures of their lovely daughters!!! I'll see you soon!!!! Love, ~R............:)

AWESOME! So, you know I had to vote...I wonder for who!? Really, they are all too cute!!
Ok Rosie, you are really making it tough here. They are all too sweet. I guess if we have to pick just one then I will get my hubby in on this one. Can't wait to see who wins good luck to everyone.
These are all adorable! I had two very hard pictures to choose from as my vote! Vanessa
Number 11 - Wow what a doll!! Ok, I might be a little biased! Kristi
Oh, that number 4 is the cuteset little thing. Doesn't everyone agree??
Not fair!! How do I ever pick when I know more than one of these little cuties! Glad to see that a few of my friends got in on the contest. Jenni
Can I vote for them all!!!!!!!!!!!! Only one? #12 is my girl!!!
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