Thursday, April 19, 2007

My new backdrops....

ARE AWESOME!!! As you can see I had to test them out right away. Here is Caleb with the sky blue and just so you know it cost 1 lollipop for this session :) I had read another photographer's blog and she commented on how the session for that day of her daughter cost a quarter and some "pink" gum and I thought hmmm..."my kids will and should do it because I want them to etc. etc...." and so this morning when I was thinking about setting up for a shoot I said to C "let's get dressed and take some pictures, Mommy needs you etc. " and he just lay there on the couch with the sweetest face and said, "but Mom, I want to finish watching my John Deere moobie"...and I said...."you can have a lollipop if you help Mommy with her pictures!"....and he immediately got off the couch and let me dress him as he told me that he wanted a "green and yellow lollipop AND for his BearBears to be in the pictures too" here you have it.....lollipops, BearBears, and a sky blue backdrop. (By the way we believe there is a certain time and place for payment (okay bribery) with children...and photo shoots are definitely legal!!!!) :)

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