Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sweet Baby "G"!!!

Last month marked the TEN YEAR anniversary of when A and I met at WIU!!! Can you believe it A??? It's so hard to believe that her little "G" is already 9 months old! Here are your beautiful fall images A and S! Little G just gets cuter by the minute!! Thank you so much!! Love, ~R ;)


Anonymous said...

These pictures are absolutely beautiful. Rosie, you do such a wonderful job. I can't believe it's been that long since everyone met.
What a cute little boy he is. And A & S look so proud!

take care,
Michelle Miller

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear from you! I had no idea your last name was Miller! We got together for A's birthday last night and she mentioned that this was you!! We should all get together sometime in the near future with all of our BOYS :) Can you believe it? We all have boys!! :)