Monday, December 17, 2007


....if you're not sure what the title over on the right...or I could just tell you too I guess ;) To God Only be the Glory!!! Above you see two beautiful people...and I am going to share with you ONE AMAZING's incredible...because God is incredible!! I have waited a little bit to post about this wedding because I wanted to have just the right words to share with you about this incredible day/couple. Long story short (because you would be reading for hours the way I tell stories!!)....Ken is a wonderful, genuine, and very very kind and godly man. Bernice is perhaps one of the sweetest, most-tenderhearted, and beautiful women I know. They are both obviously "older" :0) Well, Ken was married years ago to a beautiful woman...together they had a full and wonderful life...and 8 children...all who are now married with children of their own. :) His wife went home to be with the Lord a couple of years ago and just recently Ken came into contact with Bernice again. Get this: years back when Ken was feeling led to marry, Loretta and Bernice were the two women he had an interest in at that time. After much prayer and consideration he felt more led to propose to Loretta. As you can see where this story is going....

Bernice never did marry and apparently had thought she probably never would. At 66 years old (she's not shy of her age!! :) You go Bernice!!) she received a marriage proposal (through the Apostalic Christian Church) from Ken. She prayed for direction and guidance and felt that this was the path God would have her take!!! So she accepted Ken's proposal and was a beautiful, blushing, and very giddy bride at the young age of 66!

I get teary everytime I really sit down and think of this story and am so honored that they chose me to document their wonderful celebration of marriage and love. It was absolutley amazing. Now I have hard evidence for any young woman feeling unsure or perhaps that they will NEVER marry or have the right man find them etc... Bernice waited patiently on the Lord and she is surely blessed for this!! At 66 she married the man of her dreams and at 68 God provided yet another "helpmate" for Ken...even after such sad times in his life in losing his first wife.

What a testimony to strengthen my faith in the plan that God has for each of our lives. It seems to me (and I could be wrong here!) that God had Ken choose Loretta first b/c he knew she only had so much time here on earth...and later, he would have Bernice waiting for him..I am in utter amazement, awe, and am so thankful for Ken and Bernice! In obedience to the Lord they have both been blessed again and again in Him.

One of the best parts of the whole day (okay there were lots!) was how Ken's children just loved on him, hugging him and kissing...all teary obviously sharing some very special moments with their dad. Bernice was so gracious and beautiful, standing by their sides and receiving hug and much love herself. It was mentioned that Ken and Bernice would be starting a new chapter in their lives together. But, during the ceremony Pastor Jim commented on that even though they would be beginning a new chapter...the pages of the old chapters would not be torn out...rather they would be preserved and cherished in memory. He had them repeat their vows and after Bernice's marriage vows, asked her (after saying this wasn't something he usually asked in a marriage ceremony) if she would love and cherish Ken's children to reiterate this thought and to publically make known her love for them...and she said..."I will and I do".....Yes, I was crying...a lot. It is so apparent that they both love each other and that their family as whole just loves and cares for each other. I don't think there was a dry eye in the least on the women's side ;) It's a good thing I didn't have to photograph the actual ceremony it would have been a mess from me crying. It really was all just so beautiful. These two lovely people have a love for eachother that only God could have sparked...and it shows. Their eyes sparkle, their gentleness with each all just sparkles. SOLI DEO GLORIA!

Well, this is possibly one of the longest posts ever for this blog...but I needed to share. Thank you Ken and Bernice. May God bless you richly as you live the rest of your days in Him and with each other in love, hope, and faith. Love, ~R.........;)

One of my all time favorite images is above...Ken and Bernice having a moment to pray and thank God for the blessing He has so graciously bestowed on them in each other...just precious.

Congratulations and God's blessings to you Bernice and Ken!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rosie ! ! !

SOLI DEO GLORIA !! We were so impressed and very thankful with your talent in photography and wonderful way of working with our many families. We also want to thank you for the blog. We really don't feel quite worthy of all the compliments given to us.
We are a very happy married couple.

Ken & Bernice