Saturday, July 26, 2008

Boy: A noise with.....

sugar on it?! At least in this case it was! Took some time to shoot for myself tonight....(yipee!!) B will be 2 in two weeks from today (okay it's already tomorrow but you know what I mean :) and C is already 4!! I thought I would play with two from the little "session" I had with my two favorite little boys in the whole widest worldest and then put them in line with the rest of the sessions I am currently working on ;). They gave these big suckers about a half an hour and then they came in saying (because B says and does EVERYTHING C does ;) "Mommy, I'm full!! I'm done"....R had asked me when I got these how much a kid could possibly eat when eating one of these...well after washing the grass off of one of them once and a good half hour of pure enjoyment for both boys- they um...pretty much looked the same. (Ha!) So....answer? Not much but that's alright - they sure had fun!!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend so far!! I'll see you back here soon!! Love, ~R........;)


Anonymous said...

too cute!!!!

(they won't last long once they learn they can bite 'em!)


Monica said...

Rosie, your boys are ADORABLE! I remember those huge suckers and I LOVED getting them as kid! Great memories for you little guys!!!!