Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Merry Christmas 2007!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! We pray that God blesses you with the love, joy, peace, and hope of Jesus Christ this Christmas season and throughout the year! We are so thankful for all that we have; our family, our friends, and most of all the hope and promise of eternity in Heaven with our Heavenly Father because of the work His son came to do on the cross for us. It is Christmas and again we are celebrating the miraculous birth of Our Savior...a little baby boy born with the purpose of saving us from our sins. Ever since I can remember I have celebrated it as the birthday of our Savior...but every year my perspective changes. For many years it was a holiday that I celebrated because...well most everyone I knew did and that was what I was supposed to do. Then one year the LORD brought me to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Savior...saving me from my sins...being LORD over my! What a difference celebrating the birth of this man I call my Savior...not just some person we are supposed to revere etc. (Thank You LORD!!) Now as a's different again. Seeing the miracle, the wonderment, the weighty and unbelievable meaning of what God went through to send His Son to earth for help us see that He really does love us. Teaching this to my own children now has even more meaning, knowing that my own sinful self would never give up my own child to die for someone else, let alone someone who doesn't deserve it. I think of the Christ child...a little baby wrapped up and laying in a manger. What a task this little baby came into the world to accomplish!! We are so thankful that he did and that God, our Heavenly Father, loved us enough to send His son to suffer and die the way he did. I often contemplate how much I love my own two boys and am just baffled at how much God loves us to do that for us. We are praising God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon our family!! It has been a wonderful and adventurous year for us and we have learned an invaluable amount of life lessons as result of our journey to St. Charles/Geneva. It is with heavy and happy hearts that we prepare for our journey to Princeville. Excitement mixed with a little sadness due to leaving our cherished friends, who are more like family, at Fox Valley Bible church.
Thank you to all my cherished clients for making 2007 such a wonderful year! (And to my wonderful, loving, patient, supportive, encouraging, and believing in me hubby, Ryan). Thank you to all ~ I would not even be close to where I am regarding photography without any of you!! I am surely blessed for knowing each one of you and having had the opportunity to serve you in the way of photography. Each one of you and your children posses a unique beauty and are so wonderfully made! I sure had a great time capturing the beauty of your life through my lens and am so excited for what 2008 and beyond will bring!
MANY wishes for a blessed Christmas and 2008 filled with love, joy, peace, and hope!!! Love, ~R.........(and all the boys!) :)
"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

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