Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday....

to my sister!! Yes my lovely and glowing (and very pregnant!) sister is celebrating her birthday today!! Get this: she called me before I had a chance to call her!! Silly girl! Don't worry I still sang Happy Birthday to her over the phone (I always sing to her over the phone on the morning of her birthday) and all was well. For those of you who don't know, she is carrying their precious little #3 and it's a....GIRL!! Yay!! So now they will have the twins plus baby girl. (And I don't have to worry about those beige colored corderoy overalls of hers that my B got spaghetti sauce all over b/c now she doesn't need them anymore -whew!) I am so happy for her having the chance to have a singleton. She was pretty overwhelmed with the twins (being her first ones and all) and I think she will have a little more time to rock and stare at little AJW while drinking in the wonderous and beautiful moments of newborn motherhood. (When the twins are sleeping that is.)
And if you are wondering who is up above in the photos - why it's little baby I!! Yep, a natural light on-location shoot right in the comfort of his very own home (on the farm). It was cold outside though, so we are going to shoot his one year shots outside (CAN'T WAIT!!) He is just one of the sweetest, most content, and most serious little boys I have ever met. Except this time I did get a little rise out of him and caught some smiles. He sure is one of my favorite little boys (who is not my own, lives on a farm, has a name that starts with I, is almost a year old, and has a mommy who's name starts with and L) to photograph. Whew! Think I got my bases covered! *wink, wink* That one was for you my dear L. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far everyone, happy April and remember if you are wanting to book for this spring, please consider booking soon as we are at May 24th already for the next opening! Love, ~R.......:)


Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! That makes me miss my sister in Georgia. We are very close, and I also sing to her on her birthday(well, actually the whole family sings to whoever has a birthday in GA., since we can't be there).Cherish each moment you have w/ her. Very cute pics, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks M!! She sure is sweet :) She actually just moved back to the Chi area so hopefully I'll get to see her and her little peanuts soon :)
