Friday, May 30, 2008


And the winner of the Complimentary 4 week long Designer Signers American sign language class is...........A MARY HEART!!! Congratulations to you!! As soon as Caleb woke up from his nap I had him pick a name out of my pink John Deere hat and let me tell you he was soooo excited!! So Ms. MH, please contact Rebecca and let her know that you won - I believe the next class starts on June 7th. If you can't make that class, there will be another one starting 6 or 7 weeks after that one. And thank you Rebecca for being such a fun part of my bloggie contests!!! And THANK YOU to all the ladies who participated in the contest and added a comment!! :)Now...we need a Mommy Business to showcase for June, July, August, etc. Please e-mail me at if you would like to have your mommy business showcased right here on the 'ol blog :) Peoria area Mommys and well...if you have a business that you could do over the phone or via Internet and you live in the central Il - ish area, please enter also ;) My goal is really to celebrate Mommy's who have their own businesses.

Yippeee!! And now, without further ado, the image for the day - Little Miss I....enjoy T ;)

Hope everyone had a great day today and has a great weekend! Remember, if it rains - go play in it!!! (As long as it's not thundering and lightening that is!! We got dressed up in rainboots and raincoats today and played in the rain, the boys had a blast!!!) :) Love, ~R......;)


Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks Rosie(or should I say Caleb). We are very excited about the class. We've been doing sign language around here for a little while, but it will be nice for G to get more acquainted with it. Thanks Again!!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh la I love a lil' country girl all dressed up prancing in the grass...what a cutie...great job can do amazing things in two hours or ten minutes! Little Isabelly had a lot of fun! So did the rest of us!!

Anonymous said...

This is a great great shot Rosie!! My kids LOVE playing in the rain. So much fun!!