Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In the perfect place at the perfect moment....

Words cannot describe the way my heart and soul feel when I look at this image. Truly I was simply in the perfect place at the perfect time....Little are such a precious gift. The neatest thing is that I JUST got her release in the mail from mom and they are going to be here in SIX minutes to see their slideshow - I am about to burst with anxiousness for them!!!
A little bit about this image. Little J has the finest hair (as in baby fine) and it was super clean and there was a major breeze for most of the morning. Her hair spent a lot of time in her poor little eyes for most of the morning, however, there were pockets of time...little gifts to me as the photographer and soon to her mommy and daddy where the wind just picked it up and she was is one of those moments. This moment will never happen again...and it is kept now forever in this portrait..this work of art. Goodness I love my "job".
Blessings to you today!! L yours is coming up tonight!! :) Love, ~R...........:)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Beautiful image Rosie. I know what you mean, I have a very similar image of my Alison and for some reason I feel the same way.

Sounds like you are just flying high in the photography world. Congratulations. It truly must feel so amazing. I hope someday, I am there!! :)

Much continued happiness to you Rosie!