Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I told you I had something up my sleeve....;)

Another HUGE congratulations to Monica and Dan on their wedding this past July!! Congrats you two!! Many many many many wishes for love, laughter, and joy as you journey life's road together as one!!! Much love!! ~R........;)

It'll be just a moment while the show loads - until then crank up the volume and kick back for a "snippet" of Monica and Dan's big day....:)


Anonymous said...

Rosie...I am speechless! When I saw the collage of pics from my wedding day as the opening to your site tears came to my eyes! I cannot believe how perfectly you captured our day! I am making my way through the thousand + pictures you took that day and I relive that day as I see each picture you took. You are a talented and amazing photographer and an awesome friend! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Monica...I am breathless! I keep watching your slideshow and am taken aback over and over at how beautiful not only you were as a bride...but how beautiful the whole day was. You did a supurb job planning the whole event and it is so obvious that you and your families love you guys and each other so much. It was a complete honor to be there for you and with you on one of the most important days of your life. You two are huge blessing to me...praise God and to Him be the glory for all these beautiful shots - truly all I am and have is because of Him :). Thank you for trusting me with the memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life! :)

Love always,

Shannon Kilstrom Photography said...


These are amazing! I love how you told their story. All of the little details, emotions captured, etc. are what make this so special. You should do more weddings! ;-)

Again, beautiful work. I'm very impressed!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Shannon!! Weddings truly are so much fun!! I STILL oogle over my own wedding pics...what an awesome day - a day we surely want to have captured in a precious way!! Thank you again!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! The slide show is so great. I am sitting here crying because it is so beautiful. Monica I love you and Dan so much and you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen (and I am not just saying that because you are my sister). Rosie, you did such a fabulous job. I wish you had been my photographer. You have a wondeful gift.

Emily said...

Wow! That's all I have to say! I sure wish you'd been around doing this when we got married... I know I'm not the only person thinking that though! Rosie... God has truly given you a very special gift! It has been such a blessing to see you use it for Him! Love you!

John and Sarah said...

Can John and I get married again so you can tell the story of our day, too? I CAN'T WAIT for our family story next month!!!

Anonymous said...

awwww shucks...you guys are making me blush!!!! ;)