Monday, August 13, 2007

So I never thought

about how it would feel to actually get to start filling up the "12 month" folder for little "B's" year has gone by so quickly. It's so exciting and thrilling to know that he is getting old enough to where he and C can actually be playmates...but it's a little sad that his "baby stage" is zooming along right before my eyes! I do love that he snuggles and puts his head down on my chest becuse he wants's so sweet!! It has been so much fun photographing him with my fun photog stuff and ideas...really it has been such a blessing. Here is one of the "handsome boy" ones I got of him the other day in this sweet button down shirt while C was napping. B takes a morning and afternoon nap while C takes one noon-ish nap...perfect timing to get just B alone for his one year photo shoot. The nice thing about the one year photo shoot is that I have a little while to keep taking them....I will post a couple more...but don't worry I am not done with this handsome little guy yet :) ::::Sigh::::one year old already...I can hardly believe it! And my oh my he is ZOOMING along! Family at his birthday party kept commenting on how well he is walking etc...he certainly gets to where he wants to go without any problems! ;0) Until next time ~R

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