Wednesday, March 5, 2008

NILMDTS on the Today Show

Hello there,
Some of you have seen the link at the bottom of this blog for NILMDTS (Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep) and some of you have read why I am a part of this organization. I am honored to be a part of it and desire to serve hurting parents who are experiencing the unfathomable pain of loosing a child...and to help them heal or at least to give them strength in celebrating the life of their little one by being able to look at precious photos of them...always to be remembered. I have yet to serve in this way...but truly desire to do so. My next step in getting the ball rolling is to contact Proctor and Methodist hospitals so they know I am here and am available (on a limited basis unfortunately) to serve. If you know of someone who is or you yourself are skilled photographer (with a digital SLR camera), have an understanding of low-light photography, and believe this ministry would be something that you are made for - contact NILMDTS. They do require a website/or examples of your work, but hey, it's worth a shot. From my understanding there are many volunteers but so many more are needed.

Learn more by watching the Today Show story that was aired this morning by clicking on the link below. Just reading about and watching videos/slideshows makes my heart ache and also helps me to recognize how very blessed I am to have my two boys.... Hope you are having a wonderful day and if you or someone you know is need of something like this...please contact me or another participating photographer. There is a plethora of information on the NILMDTS website.

Have a blessed day everyone ~ R........


Em said...


what a beautiful organization. i watched the nbc video and of course cried the entire time. i loved that the couple who knew that their daughter would not survive still chose to celebrate and document the pregnancy (not to mention even carrying it to term instead of aborting). we live in a world where a child's value is measured by their brain activity or developmental stage. Yet that family still recognized that the little one in her womb was so much more than a clump of tissue despite the fact that genetic testing revealed a serious medical problem. she was their daughter, a wonderful blessing. it gives me hope...hope that one day every life will be celebrated despite the circumstances in which it was conceived, despite physical deformities, and despite developmental abilities. make it so, Lord, make it so.

praying he does great things through you and this organization,


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what Em said. I have 2 babies in heaven, though I did not carry them full term, I still saw their little hearts beating. They are still precious to me. God has blessed me with 5 children here on earth,and the 2 in heaven count to me ,and they matter.I grieved when they were gone.I encourage you also in this, Rosie. You just don't know how many people you can be a blessing to in this new venture.

Anonymous said...

oh thank you ladies!! M, I just read this tonight (Good Friday)...thank you so much for your encouragement. I imagine it will be hard not cry through every session, but I am confident that God will give me the grace and strength (His grace and strength) to "perform" when the need arises so these parents can be blessed even in the terrible loss that they experience in losing their child. Em, you are right...every life counts. PERIOD. This org. does such a beautiful job making that clear...
M, I am so sorry for your heart aches for you and for what you have to had to go through as a mom (and you too as a dad L..and for your kids too)...I am so thankful we have a Heavenly Father who knows our pain like no other and pray that you continually find comfort in Him because those little ones are still very very special...thank you so much for sharing with all of us...