Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Miracle of Life...Baby A's birth in images.

Okay, let's see here folks...I have worked on getting this show up here all the live long day and with much help from some very special photog friends...I think have finally succeeded!! YAY!! I hope you are having a blessed blessed day - I know I sure am! (Hallelujah for my friends!!) Sit back and enjoy this beautiful story as it unfolds...and be forewarned - it IS A BIRTH SLIDESHOW! Although it is tasteful and "clean" it is still a birth, so if you get sqeamish at even the thought of birth, this may not be for you ;) I think it's beautiful and truly depicts the miracle of life, one of God's most amazing gifts to us, in one of it's truest forms. So, if you are not the squeemish type (which is totally okay too!) sit back and enjoy - what a blessing to see two amazing people become parents!

J and B, again, thank you so much for allowing me the honor of capturing your very special miracle through my lens. It was truly my pleasure!!

Please note: Most of the images you see in this slideshow were shot with available light due to the fact that when I shot little N's birth back in Dec. I felt terrible b/c I had to keep flashing my bright lights in his face right after the poor little guy entered the world....so I made a conscious effort to not have to do that again for any of my other newbie babies...and I am pretty sure little A was quite appreciative :) Hope you are having a great day/night everyone!! See you soon!! Love, ~R.........:)


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!! I watched and was in awe of what you were able to capture that I never saw - for that I am very grateful!! I've gotta go watch again!! -
Love, Janelle

Anonymous said...

Rosie, all I can say is that I loved it!! I cried as if I were watching my own child be born. What a blessing to have something like that to show her as she grows. Just incredible, keep up the good work!!!! To the parents, what a precious gift from God you have!!!!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! That was so beautiful. What a gift to have those moments to look at again and again. I couldn't help but cry :-)

mjdav said...

Another miracle from the Lord. Rosie, you do beautiful work! Mom and Dad, you did a pretty good job also, congrats!